6 Reasons To Finish 26.2 Miles
It’s Marathon Week!!
After all the training, and all the waiting, I’m finally just a few days away from the NYC marathon.
Our run club leader, Coach Brian from Paragon Sports, kicked off this Sunday run by saying “the work is done…” and that felt good to hear. I did the research, followed the plan, put in the time, and I’m finally ready to go… I mean ready ready. I cleaned my sneakers, laid out every piece of clothing I plan to wear, and packed up my food and supplies for the long morning. I even put a post-race celebration outfit together. Psychotic perhaps but also oddly satisfying.
Of course, no matter how Type A prepared I am for Sunday, I can’t help but feel anxious too.
I have been bulldozing through my stress for a while, and getting less sleep with long work nights, so naturally my body started breaking down in timely fashion this week. I started feeling headaches over the weekend that were the beginning of a painful multi-day migraine. But I listened to my body, saw a doctor, and took time to rest, sleep and recover rather than let it continue on. It was definitely scary to happen this week but thankfully I’m on the other side of it now!
Like with many challenging things, they can also be rewarding. There will be some electric energy throughout this city that I can’t wait to experience. I have the most supportive friends and family cheering along the way. At the end Ryan will be there to help carry my tired and sore butt home. And after the race, no matter what the outcome or how fast I ran, I’ll get to see my people. Hopefully I’ll be celebrating my finish :)
But the nerves are real. Along with the nervous energy there is also a lot of excitement and adrenaline. When I think about being at the starting line my heart starts pounding faster and my blood rushes. It’s not great when I’m trying to calm my mind and fall asleep this week, but damn I hope on Sunday that adrenaline will push me forward even when it starts getting really hard.
And that’s the thing.. this is going to get hard. No matter the training or preparation, I’m still pushing myself further than I’ve ever gone before. To calm that fear I’ve received different versions of this advice but the sentiment remains the same… It’s what I’ve been told over and over again:
Run the first 10 miles with your head.
The next 10 miles with your training.
And the last 10k with your heart.
So I’ve made a list of my biggest motivators, my inspirations. My rocks! The people who keep me going. When it’s time for me to dig down in my heart to find the energy, this is what I plan to think of to carry me through to the finish.
The Best Family - Starting with my endlessly supportive Mom, and my Dad who was my first coach. My biggest cheerleader and big sister Lauren, and my wisest “little” brother Alex who will all be cheering me on this Sunday! To my Grandma and Aunt Susie who plan to watch all day on TV. Thankful for my amazing cousins for coming into the city this weekend for the race representing the Severiano fam! As well as my Uncle John and the Persico fam who are rooting for me. And lastly the McKenna’s (my new fam) who will be cheering me on from near and far!!
Ry - Always grateful for you supporting all my ambitions and coaching me through my doubts.
The most amazing friends - Extra thankful for my best pals who always stick by my side and have put up with my current running obsession! From my childhood besties, the Delaware crew, my TH Fam, and our city people. Im overwhelmed by the encouraging texts and calls I’ve received this week and I feel your love and support both near and far!! Big shout out to Hannah for coming in from Philly for one of our favorite weekends of the year & Mere for braving the chaos of Marathon Sunday for the first time just to support me! I don’t know what I would do without you all, and I’m so lucky to have friends like these!
Health - We usually take our health for granted, but I know how fragile life is. I’m grateful for my strength and mobility to run this race. And I’m endlessly thankful for great healthcare, hospitals, and charities like the American Heart Association where donations can turn into life saving research. Though I’m not fundraising for this marathon, it’s a cause close to my own heart for multiple reasons. I’m so proud to be a part of an event that raises so much money for important charities, and running alongside those who are representing a greater cause. I’ll be thinking of those who are fighting for their physical or mental health right now. You all inspire me.
Nonno, Bailey, Avo’s - Holding onto all that love you gave me.
NYC - This amazing place will be shining on Sunday. I can’t wait to see it.
And the last .2 are for me! For the voice in my head that said I couldn’t do this… here goes everything!
I have some goals for Sunday… and they are just as important as finishing the marathon. I want to enjoy every moment of the day! I want it to be something I always remember. I want to have fun.
In a highly competitive environment where it’s hard to focus, I know I need to run my own race. Keep my pace like I’ve practiced. Exercise holding back so that I have energy in the tank at the end.
It’s those last 6 miles that will be the toughest. Even though it’s my legs that will be doing the work I know that I’ll be running with my heart and running all these important reasons to finish 26.2 miles through my mind.
Nothing to do now but lay it all out there… and hope I finish strong!
Xx Gab